November 14, 2009

I'll Be Back

To all of my loyal blogger fans out there, I have still been taking pictures!  In fact, I have been very busy with pictures.  I am currently in the works of making a new blog that is better than the one I currently have, so just bare with me.  If you have Facebook and are a fan of Making Memories, you can always check out my albums on there as I do have up to date pictures on there.  Thanks for supporting me and checking out my work!


September 14, 2009

Nicole and Jeff Shephard wedding

Nicole and Jeff got married this weekend down in my old stomping grounds, Peachtree City. Back in February, when I did their engagement pictures, I had so much fun watching them laugh and smile with each other the entire time. Yesterday was no different. They are so in love with each other, and you can just tell by looking their pictures. Congrats Nicole and Jeff!

Nicole and Jeff had the coolest idea ever with a "wishing tree." They had seen this on a trip to DC a few years ago. They each wrote a wish for this original tree while on their trip and duplicated them for their wedding. Little did they know that when they wrote their original wishes that they were wishing to spend the rest of their lives together!

September 07, 2009

Brynn and Wayne are engaged!

One of my great friends, Brynn, is getting married in November; so I met with her and her fiance, Wayne, this weekend at Berry to take their engagement pictures.  We went around Berry to take pictures on campus. We had to carefully avoid all of the high school students running at the annual Berry cross country meet and got the pics in before the rain came.  We had a lot of fun and, I am looking forward to their wedding in November!

September 04, 2009

Erin and Kevin are having a baby!

Erin and Kevin are two friends of mine from our Sunday school class at our church. Erin and Kevin are due any day now and will be having a baby girl! Erin is glowing and one of the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen. I hope I can look at good and be as in good spirits as her when I am a few days past my due date! Good luck and congrats Erin and Kevin on your new arrival and addition to your family!!! :D