January 08, 2008

Kristi and Cole engagements

I took engagement pictures for two of my best friends, Kristi and Cole. Kristi was my roommate in college, so when she got engaged less than a month ago, I was just so excited for them! I was so honored that she asked me do her engagement pictures. We went to Marietta Square on a perfect Sunday afternoon and just had a ton of fun taking pictures. I had such a good time taking their pictures!

January 03, 2008

Berry College (B&W)

Here are some black and white pictures of my alma mater. Most of the pictures were taken up at the Ford Complex on campus where I lived for four years. This is alos the place where my husband proposed to me and where we took many of our wedding and engagement pictures. I love Ford!

my trip to Kenya

This past summer of 2007, I traveled to Kenya for a little over six weeks. I lived with the Kenyan people, ate their food, learned their culture, and made some really great friends. I took over 1000 pictures while I was in Kenya, so these few pictures give on a small taste of what I experienced. It was such a life changing and amazing trip; and I hope and pray that one day I can go back.

(below): Pictures of the orhpans I worked with

(below): Children playing on the streets