May 10, 2009

Jeanie and Derek Foster wedding

This weekend I took pictures at Jeanie and Derek's wedding at the Huntcliff Country Club in Sandy Springs.  It is this cute little place nestled in a residential area right off of the Chattahoochee River.  Jeanie student taught at my school last fall, so when we worked together through FCA last semester, we got to know each other.  I was so happy to be able to do her wedding!  We were blessed with a beautiful day as well.  The wedding was outside and before I left for the wedding, I looked online and saw that there was an 80% chance of rain during the time the wedding was supposed to take place... and although it threatened to rain a few times, we made it through the day without a drop of rain!  

Jeanie's wedding ring was her mother's, so it was very special for her to now have.

The guys totally loved the playground... haha. :)

There was a set of beautiful pink roses in honor of Jeanie's mother.  

Jeanie and Derek dated for 5 years and had never once kissed during that time.  WOW!  So this was their first kiss... ever!  How sweet.  

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