April 05, 2009

Amber and Steven engagement pictures

This weekend, I went and took engagement pictures for Amber and Stephen. We tried to do pictures a few weeks ago, but with the month-long rain we've had, it was raining the day we had originally planned. I am doing their wedding in a few weeks in Macon, so they wanted to come up to Atlanta to get some pictures at places they haven't been to. We took pictures at random places throughout Dunwoody and had a great time! They were willing to do anything for a good picture! Can't wait for the wedding!

Stephen was bored taking pictures... haha. Not really, but I did catch him a few times throughout the morning yawning. Maybe I am just boring... :)

Now he's laughing as I call him out for yawning...

Amber has these really cute shoes, but she took them off for most of the pictures since they made her taller than she and Stephen are used to. She walked around barefoot most of the day. I just had to take a picture of them.

Amber was a sport and hopped into some cold water for a fun picture with her feet in the water (without her shoes...haha.)

Don't fall in the water!

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